Sunday, December 23, 2012


At Christmastime
Heaven came to Earth
Dimensions collided,
transcending time and space

The eternal met what is temporary
Light met darkness
Love touched the unloved,
and the unlovely

At Christmastime
Otherworldliness surprised what is common
The everlasting converged in a moment
Leaving anticipation and longing

Joy met dancing
Music met song
Words met meaning
Life met death

At Christmastime a baby was born
A paradox beyond imagination
A bundle wrapped in blankets
Lying in a manger

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Spring's Charm

Drops of golden dew hang brightly
As green gems spring into spring
And to our senses a vision sightly
The fame of the season’s return does bring

Color’s hues and all manners of green
Pistachio, sage, emerald, pine
Shades and tones, never lovelier, seem
To sweep winter’s gray blues out of mind

The morning tropic-like mist, smell of earth, taste of air,
The sound of wind against the trees, whistle and swish
Myriads of birds singing delights, cardinals share
Their cheeri-o, cheeri-o, and a crow caw-caws his wish

Spring’s enchantment of new beginnings, might be
An offering of a new lease on life, if but a tease
A clean, acute palate of senses, feeling light and free     
Summer, we beg thee, come slowly please


POEMA por Raul Trujillo, mi buen amigo, quien entró
a la presencia del Señor el 7 de julio de 2012

Al inicio la alegría consolida la premisa
Que ilumina tu sonrisa como el dulce amanecer
Y entre cada paso adelantado lo básico se torno real
Sean estos los momentos que del alma no saldrán
Es el tiempo en que lo desconocido te deslumbrara
Mas tú esencia jamás se apartara ni siquiera al final
En el largo aprendizaje de lo desconocido deja que
Se cumpla la misión por la que el destino ha traducido
En ti el mas sublime verso que acciona la felicidad.
Al pasar por tormentas que logran desgarrarnos
No dudes en recordar de donde viene toda tu calma
Que como blanda neblina se tornara pasajera del vivir
Ahora el efecto de la vida debe ser valorado con los
Ojos del alma para poder aceptar cada evento
Que así como al inicio tu sonrisa no dejara de brillar
Es inexplicable todo lo que aprendemos

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Mother Teresa

Her heart was as big as the sky,
and as wide as the ocean.
Her heart of gold was as gold as
the finest and purest 24-karat.

It shone brilliantly, a dazzling star;
Illuminating the black night of no-hope.
Shimmering with beautiful luminosity on a sea
of humans-beyond-hunger-and-despair.

Her heart was a gentle rain,
tranquil, life giving, and refreshing.
Protecting all in its path from the
burning sun of casts, classes, and castaways.

It saw gods and goddesses in the weak
and vulnerable, condemned to a life
of insignificance by others;  these, to her heart,
were valuable to the infinite degree.

Her heart was a work horse, an early riser,
strong and subtle; her work being of the small task
sort:  demanding, yet of no consequence.
Get up and do it again, every day, every year.

It was living proof that the more you love,
the more you can love:  actions inspire capability. 
Her heart practiced love and thus was deep and full.
Mother Teresa’s heart was lovely.